Exercises Tutorials (can open in a new window to view easily) | Notion
Exercises Tutorials
2 plus 1 fast leg
A skip single leg
A skip with arms up and down
A skip
Ankling 小步跑
B skip
Abductor pull 腿外展
Adductor hold 大腿内收肌静态保持
Adductor raise 大腿内收肌
Barbell lunge 杠铃弓步
Barbell squat with mini band 杠铃深蹲配合迷你弹力带
Barbell squat 杠铃深蹲
Barbell squat jump 杠铃深蹲跳
Barbell step up 杠铃箱上踏步
Barbell thrust 杠铃推举
Bench press 卧推
Bondarenko Split Squat Box Jump 弓箭步跳箱
Box squat 箱式深蹲