Adductor hold.mp4

The adductor hold is an isometric exercise that targets the inner thigh muscles (adductors). (大腿内收肌静态保持是一种针对大腿内侧肌肉的等长训练。)

Instructions (练习步骤):

  1. Lie on your side with your elbow on the floor and bottom leg straight (侧卧,手肘撑地,下腿伸直)
  2. Place your top leg on a bench or raised platform (上腿放在长凳或台阶上)
  3. Lift your bottom leg off the ground using your adductor muscles (使用内收肌将下腿抬离地面)
  4. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds (保持这个姿势30-60秒)
  5. Lower and repeat on the other side (放下并换另一侧重复)

Benefits (好处):