Barbell step up.mp4

This is a compound lower body strength training exercise that mainly targets the following muscle groups: 这是一个复合性下肢力量训练动作,主要锻炼以下肌群:

Correct form and technique: 正确的动作要领:

  1. Place the barbell across your upper back 将杠铃放置在肩部后方
  2. Stand in front of the box with proper posture 站在训练箱前,保持良好的姿势
  3. Step onto the box with one foot, extending through your hip and knee 一只脚踏上箱子,通过髋部和膝盖的伸展完成动作
  4. Keep your core engaged and back straight 保持核心稳定,背部挺直
  5. Control the movement as you step down 控制动作完成下放

Important notes: 注意事项:

<aside> Beginners should practice without the barbell first, then gradually add weight once proper form is mastered. Ensure the box is stable and at an appropriate height. 初学者建议先不使用杠铃,掌握正确动作后再逐渐增加重量。确保训练箱稳固,高度适中。
