Barbell squat with mini band.mp4

This is a compound exercise that combines the benefits of traditional barbell squats and mini resistance bands. 这是一个复合运动,结合了传统杠铃深蹲和迷你弹力带的优点。

Target Muscle Groups 主要目标肌群:

Important Notes 注意事项:

Key Steps 动作要领:

  1. Place mini band above thighs 将迷你弹力带套在大腿上方
  2. Position barbell below shoulders 肩膀下方放置杠铃
  3. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly pointed outward 双脚与肩同宽,脚尖略微向外
  4. Keep core tight, slowly squat down 保持核心收紧,缓慢下蹲
  5. Lower until thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly below 达到大腿平行地面或稍低位置
  6. Drive through heels to push up 通过脚跟发力向上推起