Barbell squat with mini band.mp4
This is a compound exercise that combines the benefits of traditional barbell squats and mini resistance bands.
Target Muscle Groups 主要目标肌群:
- Quadriceps (front thigh) 股四头肌(大腿前侧)
- Gluteus Maximus 臀大肌
- Hamstrings (back thigh) 腘绳肌(大腿后侧)
- Core muscles 核心肌群
Important Notes 注意事项:
- Ensure correct band placement, usually above the knees 确保弹力带位置正确,通常放在膝盖上方
- Maintain neutral spine position 保持脊柱中立位置
- Keep knees aligned with toes while squatting 下蹲时膝盖与脚尖方向一致
- Breathing pattern: inhale while descending, exhale while pushing up 呼吸配合:下蹲时吸气,上推时呼气
Key Steps 动作要领:
- Place mini band above thighs 将迷你弹力带套在大腿上方
- Position barbell below shoulders 肩膀下方放置杠铃
- Feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly pointed outward 双脚与肩同宽,脚尖略微向外
- Keep core tight, slowly squat down 保持核心收紧,缓慢下蹲
- Lower until thighs are parallel to the ground or slightly below 达到大腿平行地面或稍低位置
- Drive through heels to push up 通过脚跟发力向上推起