Barbell thrust.mp4
Barbell Thrust / 杠铃推举
The barbell thrust is an effective compound exercise that targets the following muscle groups: / 杠铃推举是一项有效的复合运动,主要锻炼以下肌群:
- Deltoids / 肩部三角肌
- Pectoralis Major / 胸大肌
- Triceps / 肱三头肌
Correct form and technique: / 正确的动作要领:
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart / 站姿时保持双脚与肩同宽
- Grip the barbell at shoulder width / 握住杠铃时手臂与肩同宽
- Keep core tight and back straight / 保持核心收紧,背部挺直
- Press the barbell from chest level to overhead / 将杠铃从胸前向上推举至头顶
- Move slowly with control and maintain proper breathing / 动作要缓慢可控,注意呼吸节奏
Important notes: / 注意事项:
- Beginners should start with light weights to master the form / 初学者建议先用轻重量熟悉动作
- Consult a professional trainer if you have shoulder injuries / 如有肩部伤病,请先咨询专业教练
- Avoid leaning back during the press / 推举过程中避免躯干后仰