Abductor pull.mp4
The abductor pull is a resistance exercise that targets the hip abductor muscles, particularly the gluteus medius and minimus.
Benefits (好处)
- Strengthens hip muscles (增强髋部肌肉)
- Improves hip stability (改善髋部稳定性)
- Enhances balance (提升平衡能力)
- Prevents knee injuries (预防膝盖受伤)
Instructions (动作说明)
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart (双脚与肩同宽站立)
- Attach resistance band around ankles (在脚踝处绑上阻力带)
- Step sideways while maintaining tension (保持张力向侧面迈步)
- Control the movement back to starting position (控制动作回到起始位置)
Tips (注意事项)
- Keep your core engaged (保持核心收紧)
- Maintain proper posture (保持正确姿势)
- Move slowly and controlled (动作要缓慢且可控)