Box squat.mp4
A compound exercise that involves squatting onto a box or bench, commonly used to develop explosive power and proper squat form.
Key Benefits 主要好处
- Improves squat depth control 改善深蹲深度控制
- Develops explosive power 发展爆发力
- Strengthens posterior chain 强化后链肌群
Proper Form 正确动作要领
- Position the box at appropriate height 将箱子放置在适当的高度
- Stand with feet shoulder-width apart 双脚与肩同宽站立
- Lower yourself onto the box with control 控制下蹲坐到箱子上
- Pause briefly on the box 在箱子上短暂停顿
- Drive through heels to stand up 通过脚跟发力站起
Common Mistakes 常见错误
- Dropping onto the box uncontrollably 失控地跌坐到箱子上
- Leaning too far forward 身体前倾过度
- Incorrect box height 箱子高度不当